Archives for April 2010

Sunday, 25 April 2010

108/365: around the block?

Salam, exam fever is coming soon

25/4/2010: They say to stay away from rain due to high concentration of acid inside the rain....I miss the old days

My French lecture told me to do the course evaluation, since I'll be around UBD for Revision week I could done it before the exam.

Talking about exam, I want to make a commitment to hold the 365 projects for a moment and I probably update once a week, since I want to make up for my GPA last semester, so less internet, more reading...wish me luck peeps

107/365: Monkey business

24/4/2010: "oh, that cats are walking so high...wait, holy crap that's a monkey!!!"

Salam yo~

I attend my last lecture with Cg. Rafee and I was punk'ed as he just review back what we have done so far and also our assignments.

There has been many report of animal sight in our dorm and campus, first there was a snake, then some monkeys, then insects of all kinds and worst of all was last night when one of RESCO member saw DOG in our dorm area!!!! SHIT! If I saw one I can't hesitate to kill it (have some bad memories with stray dogs) if I accidentally killed it, that going to be huge issues~

So, for those of you who never listen to any warning, for damn your ass sake, keep your window close when you are not around.

106/365: BBQ day


We successfully handle the BBQ event and it does hit my prediction that only international and few most participated students were coming.

I didn't care much with games and activities....I just come and eat =D

We finished the event earlier and we have to clean up the (crime) scene before the CSI are coming....some lame jokes..I know

23/4/2010: I don't have some nice pictures of the events...(most of them are captured by my friends and the people keeps moving around) and the guy is our president whom we invited to finish up the food

Thursday, 22 April 2010

105/365: wHAT???

"My lovely child......"

....I throw away my phone when I saw the 3 words and it come from my mon père! Hell, I was completely shock man!

I came home with my ma and I bought Clash of the Titans bottle.....YES, CLASH OF THE TITANS. I try the baguette for the first time and I wonder if I could knock out an unfortunate passerby if this bread goes cold...

22/4/2010: Baguette, a French loaf~

104/365:demotivational walking to motivational talk

21/4/2010: oh wait, the picture was taken last year...

I wanted to attend the motivational talk on Wednesday since I'm a fan of Dr Ee Ah Meng, but I have no company to go there, I'm afraid I'm losing blood out of nowhere, the motivational talk started a bit too friend told me that the talk was started late and finish before 6pm....Thanks for the motivation, you very-motivational-and-encouragable-friends.

Damn it, I got meeting!!!!! Last meeting to be exact, for this semester in addition, I'm tired, oh shit.

BBQ day coming soon and we are preparing like crazy!!!!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

103/365: Don't eat late

I'm pretty messed up this week, pendrive come late, test was sucked, exam is coming soon, de-motivational talk, and crap with my whining.

20/4/2010: hungry.....

Monday, 19 April 2010

102/365: Family night out

...and there goes my night

Well, I'm still in Brunei so there is no exception on excessive meetings with itsi bitsi actions.

After the long day of continuous making weight and learning, I'd finally get back to my room after 4pm, my bro texted me to join him for family dinner out.

We end-up at Rizqun and well same-o same-o, to tired what happening so heck with it la!


Sunday, 18 April 2010

101/365:posters, posters

I was busy doing 2 things: Poster and LE1502 touch-up

This is the final one and ready to print, walao A!

100/365: set the eyes free

Whatever happen on 17 April 2010 I just want to post this

Friday, 16 April 2010

099/365: commitment

Wonder what will happen tomorrow

I'm pretty tired for this crap

098/365: Thursday, usual

I miss eating fish

I landed in do-not-bite list, I will live longer...I guess

Thursday, 15 April 2010

097/365: AGM meeting


On Wednesday RESCO prepare the booth for AGM meeting and no, I didn't know what it is or it's purpose, I was busy making the poster for BBQ night and God, now I know why I couldn't upload pictures in Facebook and Blogger, the upload speed for my broadband is a crap compare to a modem and I was using the Wifi@UBD in chancellor hall and it is damn good~I should visit here often =D

Anyway this is the latest draft of the poster that I have created

096/365:and.....this should be Tuesday

After MIB, I should headed to my room and hit the sack but I join Mayyin, Siew Chieh and Li Yeon for outside lunch and we meet Wan Yong, well......I kindda miss her...haha seriously I'm not really good at expressing my true feeling, I miss my friends who most of them are in ITB and some other institutions or just sitting at home, I don't know if they miss this arse but I'm missing them.

Then we went to see some movie since we got plenty of time and watch Date Night and I thought it was some silly comedy romance and it turn out to be a great movie and I only care the action part of it.

095/365: This is Monday

We got an emergency meeting regarding AGM and seriously it really is emergency, we need to prepare for the Annual Grand Meeting that I couldn't care less.

Above all I miss eating this fish that we bought for $42 for 6 kilos and hell it that so fvcking gooooood

I took the picture and I forgot to take mine from my brother (again just took from his post), mackerel, mackerel~

094/365: Sunday missing

My neighbour married on 11th April 2010 but I didn't go but my bother did so this what he took and put into his blog, more here

Monday, 12 April 2010

093/365: épreuve orale

Salam, c'est difficile!

10/4/2010: I'm tired....

All language that I have encounter and learn so far, I always have some crappy grammar. I thank to God for not let my lecture to ask me some difficult question! Hah, I nailed all the confusing pronunciation!

Man I'm exhausted, I need to upload the Nasyid pictures soon and I need to update the RESCO blog...I'm in the wrong bureau and in the wrong position~

Sunday, 11 April 2010


Salam, no, I'm not done yet...

9/4/2010: in the news

I got French oral test on Saturday...Thank God I have the book that easily show how to pronounce some combination, I really want to learn German language! Come on UBD, I want to say schauen, einen Ruck!

Friday, 9 April 2010

091/365: I miss this thing

Salam, if this is University life.....I got screwed!

I miss holding my pencils and draw on a piece of white paper and draw out my I'm totally engaged to the assignment and everything and I miss this baby.

8/4/2010: Zeichenstifte

Then again I have to wait till my exam are totally finished....

Got home as usual and my room at home still smell the piece of junkyard ship

90/365: Nasyid competition and I'm finished

7/4/2010: Peeking through

Salam, there was emergency before the competition start and Thankfully we can continue after the inspection.

and all my work finally finished and I can go to sleeep

89/365: the second day

Salam, feel like crap

I hadn't have time to clean my room and it was hell of a mess, even ants can't survive in my room

6/4/2010: the mess

88/365: hahaha

Salam, back to square one

This should be on Monday, and here is the reason why I didn't update

5/4/2010: it may sound easy but hell will laugh

Sunday, 4 April 2010

087/365: crawl like a worm from a bird

Salam, getting sneaky by the days

I found this picture...*ahem*ahem*
seriously I was busy to do two report which I volunteer to do, better do something or nothing.

The picture taken somewhere in time and use Pic Joke to do the rest

086/365: done and done and no, not yet

Salam, let do some bad joke

I have this conversation with a friend of mine yesterday. He want to take some movies from my HDD. =D

Friend: You have Unborn movie? Is it a scary, a horror movie?

Me: yeah, it's nice; you should watch it.

Friend: No, I can't, I'm scare to watch this kind movie.

Me: Why? You're a man! You should be brave enough to see the horror!

Friend: Because I'm not (yet) a man, I'm just a guy, and maybe younger..a boy, that why I'm still scare=D

Me: Then you should be careful with pedophile!

Friend: WHAT!?

Bad joke XD

ANYWAY......We finally finish our SS 3401 project and here is the final look of it!


May the dragon eat your head when you start to become a man~

Friday, 2 April 2010

085/365: family is forever

Salam, that crap over there

Nothing much happen, I need to finish my French homework and I need to wake up early as I will follow be in the same car with my brother for his BBQ with his colleagues. I need to strike it up because my communication lecture said; the term mean I follow outside the car (like a stalker) instead of inside the car, it a direct translation from Malay.....that why.... (=_=')....

ANYWAY.....I just take from my bro's blog...(I keep repeating this process...), where we go to Telisai food stall to buy Nasi Katok

J'aime manger du poisson et de riz et ce que cela signifie SUSHI!!

084/365: Greek-ing around

Salam, who want some slice of Medusa head?

1/4/2010: I'm not april-fooling around~

I was planning to have lunch at McD and watch How To Train Your Dragon and end up eating at Excapade and watching The Clash of The Titans, Premier day and there were few people in the cinema~ My first time going to the Mall Cineplax...very cold!

Me and my friends who love the dark myths and legends are dying to see it and I gave it 5 star for the fighting scene, 3 for the legends-telling since they showed only few gods and the Olympians,5 for the awesome sound effect and music and blerggh 3D, 2D is good enough. However the ending is not to my like, if you know what I mean, damn the gods of Olympian!

Anyway, Percy Jackson is for kids to see and The Clash of The Titans is a way to make the kids crying.

Strike the thunder to his heart

Thursday, 1 April 2010

083/365: Got the new side

Salam be safe on the side of the road

31/3/2010: After meeting

Wednesday pull away my energy even tough BJFA canceled their activity and while waiting for my replacement class, I cycle around and thank to God there was few cars left in UBD so I can cycle around CH like nobody business.

At night I was attending another meeting and Aya has told me that they are going to prepare a room for my bike, which give me a surprise and (insert whatever emotion here). Although I cycle around like hell and get crazy if I go down the slope, I rather just let it be and all I want is to give middle finger to car-users...I mean cycle is great and fun :D

I forgot to take pictures with the bicycle again, I should put Post-It on my bike.

082/365: The Tough Face

Salam, sushi, french fries and yummy

30/3/2010: We forgot to talk~

In between MIB and DC, Zarrifa want to treat us with Sushi. We eat at the new Kiulap branch and thankfully we seated near the rail and going back to UBD to finish the assignments.

I miss MCD french fries