Salam, this is worst than PMS
5/9/2010: That was pretty much summing up the unexpected people coming to the Raya Ria UBDWe have a busy night that it was the first time my creativity didn't work as I want it to. I mean my job was pretty much what I do when big event come, I snap pictures around like a paparazi but this time I don't feel the 'intensity' or 'will' to perform my job. I managed to take some good pictures but unfortunately it didn't push me to take more pictures. I can't say I'm tired, fatigue never slow me down, I realize it later when the event is done.
Perhaps that I didn't enjoy the event as much I want to, it was a disaster actually, anyone who go there know what happen, it took so fucking long! I had to work outside my task to minimise the complain and the other team just sitting comfortably on their throne. It suck to be you and it suck to be me! Finally after everything come to an end, firework starts and the signal for the end of our collaboration with them. To my disappointment I only took 101 pictures when I could take more than that.....
It should be done now or never, whatever they said, it doesn't make a different anyway, whatever it is, I 'm against it.