Saturday 24 July 2010

197/365:I can't have a day off can't I?


23/7/2010: New Wardrobe

I thought I could have some long rest after helping those with orientation but of course junior will be coming next week and thing must do at the last minutes.

I was just informed that we are going to have another meeting this Saturday and I can't make it even they have to kill a junior to make me come. Not tonight!

I was reading BB article the other day regarding a workshop that promotes one to make a blog. Heh, now even 10 year old could have FB and blog for themselves. Apparently when internet was starting its spark in 2002 or maybe later, It was hard for me to get access through internet, I remember using Simpur Card and NetCard to access the internet. Due to that I refuse to create Friendster account until my parent bought internet moderm and all Hell break lose! I create plenty account in the internet, from Friendster to imeem, I was even create 2 blog at that time, yeah I was having time off after '0' level and I got free time to spend in front of computers.

However blog was mostly written about personal stuff around that era and I fancy the idea through it, I learn many things that they didn't taught in school like HTML code, CSS code, URL. I used to read HTML code and make out different result. Anyway mom didn't like the idea of blogging because mom said I might stick my head on it. Truth is when I entered form 6 I rarely update my blog and sometimes it could take longer than weeks. I mean who's going to read a 17 year old journal with bad tempered and bad mouth? Of course I have to obey my mother and update it once a week with the push and nag of my friends who also blogs at that time.

Now my brother also join this blogging society and it's an era of laptop and internet, there is one blog that was design and host by a 12 year old student in Singapore that teach people how to blog and how to make your Wordpress impressive to others. I feel kindda old when I read his journal, I mean wow, this kids today....... I just hope they won't be a target for pedophiles.

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