Tuesday 27 July 2010

201/365: Incept my mind, try me

Salam, how about some mind game?

27/7/2010: first it was 745, then 800 then 1000...WTF?

Twitter trending still puts Inception as trending and I thought this might a good movie to watch without Twitter to promote it. I was lucky that bro want to take me out to watch Inception and I say I never regret watching it...maybe I could drag simple-minded Twilight fan to watch this movie.

Now I understand why people keep asking its concept and complication and why Leo said people in Japan understand Inception better than the western. It was understood that Anime and Manga have their own complicity from designing a character personalities and attire to the idea and philosophy they improvise in their series. I was among the Anime and Manga fan who tried to understand the complication that created by the artist.

I was glad I grew up with manga to understand the human mind and to understand Inception better, but I might download the movie again.

ANYWAY….I will try to understand how the concepts work.
Usually when we dream we tend to forget how we get to certain place, the hour move slowly in dream than the reality. If another entity entered our dream the entity could diverse the dream according to his/her accord. If the entity poses a threat it is a nature to project a blockade or anything to protect the dreamer.

Of course when we dream, sometimes we didn’t realize we are dreaming as everything we saw looks real. From what I remember, when we dream our mind play the memory from our subconscious mind, even if we can’t remember but the mind record the human 5 human sense.

What the Cobb’s dream team doing was to divert Robert memory and idea. As what we know his father in reality was disappointed in his son that he didn’t follow his footstep. Their job was to understand Robert feeling and memory and control his mind by going into his dream.

The further they go to his dream the more they could change his memory and idea. The advantage is that making Robert to open his mind to another entity that he thought a projection from his memory.

The first layer of a dream was to get Robert to believe his father love him but failed the second layer of a dream to make him believe he was in danger of his own dream and thus giving Cobb a permission to enter his mind. The third layer (in snowy military) where the memory of Robert kept inside and to never see it again, but this was again failed as Cobb was tangle with ‘guilty’. Where makes them go to the fourth layer to confront Cobb’s wife and save Robert as anyone who die in a dream will eventually go another dream and if they are not conscious they might think the dream is a reality and never return. After the world of fourth dream was destroyed, this allowed Cobb to enter the fifth dream with Saito who died in all layer and awaken in fifth layer.

In fourth layer where Robert’s father almost died and saying he was disappoint, they managed to convert the memory in making him believe that his father was disappoint in him to follow his footstep.

Which mean the deeper you go inside one mind the more chance to divert one’s mind, memory and idea. Of course to enter one dream the dreamer mustn’t know his/her imagination of architecture as this will make the dreamer to overwhelm the other entity.

But how sure we are that what we do right now is not a dream? What if our fantasy deep inside our mind finally fulfilled? Are we awake and think that it just a dream that we never make it into a reality? It easy enough though because if you still dreaming you can control it with the power of your mind and won’t be able to break you iPhone. So throw your iphone if its broken, well at least you know you are not dreaming.

As for me, I have short-term memory loss, my dream only just a wasted memory and stupid nightmare.

That’s it from me, damn I type too much…..

Sweet dreams

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