Damn, after attending French class, Zarr, Mayyin and me went to FOS and our module has change to Tuesday and we have long hour till the registration for LE1501. We went to register LE1502 around 1.50pm, and everyone was rushing to get the slot and it was havoc! In two days I learned that to register a good slot NO MERCY IS APPLY!
Jan and I followed Diah to Chancellor Hall using her car for Dean’s briefing. Under GenNext:
-we are not obliged to take minor and could take breadth as much as we want up to 24 MCs
-SEA studies will have a breadth module (good news for me because I would choose it as my breadth)
-degree is to finish minimum 4 years and maximum of 6 years
-conditional pass means a borderline between pass and fail
-if our GPA is below 1.5 we would be under provisional, two executive provisional will be told to change program / degree.
-the importance of GPA is in Discovery Year, as the universities the UBD collaborate with demanding good GPA. (at least 3.5)
-this week is not start of lecture..just some damn introduction of the module.
Night, went to ASEM closing dinner, meet some good – looking foreign guys and unique costumes. Take pictures with them and went back to hostel around 10pm.
Enough said
Au revoir~
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