Spent most of my time to upgrade my blog, I wanted to revert to classic template but end up downloading for my old blog-which I make it more interesting since the search engine keep coming to my abandon blog. see HERE I also deleted my Wordpress blog since I find it hard and complicated than Blogger. Nevertheless I will create another blog for my journalism...and end up changing my dull and ugly background to something....pretty? LOL
While doing this, my brother come to my room (because its air-cond) and farted and ask me how to add c-box and move the element here and there.
Then after he finish do all his blog thing and had enough cooling himself, we saw dad already raise the flag, he was a bit disappointed since he want to raise it and take a picture from it
Then as I went to take shower my brother call me up to eat ambuyat, I didn't take the picture because I'm pretty lazy to get my camera. [so I grab a picture from my brother's blog]

After Isya, I'm retured to my dorm and buy few item along the way, dad was right, there was plenty of water in ambuyat that it will force the consumer to 'visit' the toilet often. Tomorrow MIB and another VIP guest that isn't Pehin Jamil =/
Sleepy enough, bonne nuit tout le monde
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