Archives for August 2010

Sunday, 29 August 2010

234/365: screw you guys!


29/8/2010: If I were a chainsaw, cut the usb cable I shall

Damn my I can't visit my friend!

233/365: stick my eyes on the screen


28/8/2010: some minor biggie

I never been in the state of 'nothing to-do' since my second semester last year, I got something to-do every freaking day and it always involves my laptop. I always been given task from RESCO with modules assignment keep on coming. It is pratically hard now my assignment consuming my time and spend mostly in North Pole library.

Now I have to bring my reading material everywhere =.=

Saturday, 28 August 2010

232/365:..and it all gone


27/8/2010: .....

I'm too busy

231/365: what the hell?


26/8/2010: Give me back my starch!!

I was about to make a sandwich for my sahur but I look at my bread and found this creature....inside the HOLY SHIT!

Went back home as usual bought another bed table for hostel residential college, well that how we say in UBD, you don't go to school, but you go for lectures, class, discussion or library. You don't say UBD, you say campus or residential college....just another limbo~

230/365: Sungkai outside


25/8/2010: this man pays the bill-hey thanks XD

My aunt and uncle in Bandar area enjoy spoiling me up by taking me out for sungkai outside. I don't mind tough since our canteen still out of service and if I came a bit late the food already finish and we have to go extra minutes/hours/days (depending how lazy I am) to get food from the male canteen...anyway I'm grateful and full *burp*

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

229/365: my time running too fast


24/8/2010: cleaning up my hard-drives

realise it or not, my time in UBD left is 2 years...if I lucky I could continue to take Master for a year...if I were lucky though...

228/365: I can't believe I still have it

Salam~ my inner fangirl mode

23/8/2010: I like surreal drawing =D

I get from Twitter that @MCRmy_SEA wants to make fan vid for @MikeyWay birthday. I used to draw them....when I was still very young, so I get my drawing gear and up with it. It took me a week to finally make the draft and completely inking everything in one day..yes, I'm being lazy and pathetic!

I have to draw simply to save time and I refuse to colour it in..WHY? Because I'm HORRIBLE at colouring!

227/365: change PP


22/8/2010: can you see?

I got complain regarding my profile picture in FB, they say its too dark and hardly recognize "who's that m*****f***** b****?" as one of my jerk friend ask I change but of course I still like pale colour XD

Monday, 23 August 2010

226/365: you damn bastard!


21/8/2010: mom new bag

Yesterday after charity visit to pusat Ehsan I bought my mom new bag...which I finally fulfill my promise to her.

Anyway on this day I have fairly late afternoon class at 2pm so dad said I could drive after Zuhur prayer...but not entirely alone...I'm still under supervise...

I like my dad Ford Ranger tough, I hope I could ran into someone (literally) if I use that car in UBD. I getting use with manual too and dad keep improvising my skill in conducting manual car.

Then as I drive along the highway in Penanjong, it was started to rain heavily and I only got 45mins before my class start...I also encounter some bastard who took U-turn but turn in the middle of a road instead of the third lane (I hope you celebrate Eid-Fitri at hospital). However I arrived at LC safe and sound, 10 mins before class started...but the lectures came 10 mins late =.=

Friday, 20 August 2010

225/365: The trip


20/8/2010: teaching origami

Went to Pusat Ehsan as FSC wanted to collaborate with RESCO for welfare visit. It was fun hanging out with them, they are easy to play, very supportive and decent. You people should be ashamed of yourself!

What I like about them is their sincerity. Its like when I took a photo shoot, I always get 'fake' photos; as in the way their pose...I rather took candid as that the only way that I could see their true colour. In Pusat Ehsan, when they smile in front of camera, they keep smiling and its nothing different behind a camera lens and human lens.

224/365: René Descartes

Salam, once again I like Philosophy

19/8/2010: his theory to prove the existence of God....quite similar like in Islamic Philosophy

I used to have some existence problem when I was little like what if I am not exist and what I see is merely an image from my mind, that all the people I know was created by my mind. If I was to born as something else without mind like a piece of table will people still be the same but without the memory of my existence. So who am I and who are them?

It was kind of weird even for me to have such taught, but I know no one could answer such question I just carry on with my life or projection of 'brain in vat'.

I took philosophy during my first semester and it only answer my religious part but not the other one. I didn't score well either so I decided not to take philosophy for next semester. I took again as there's no other option left and learning Descartes' philosophy was way more interesting than his early philosopher.

"cogito ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am")-which mean I think therefore I exist and that I'm a thinking thing.

223/365: when a potential dictator is given the power to lead

Salam~ Heil meine Dame!

18/8/2010: my confirm schedule.....I hope....

Today we got another meeting, and we presented our activity for this semester and my calendar was so damn packed...I hope my other partner would take care of them when I can't make it.

What I like about today meeting was I was trusted to lead a small group to make orientation CD, it is quite challenging as we doesn't have enough video but plenty of photos. However, if they trust my power as much as I love the Weimer Republic, heil me. Furthermore 2 of the important members are older than me but hell, age are useless when I have the power...okay I need to settle down my dictatorship ==,

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

222/365: walking to the other side


17/8/2010: I like this too

My puasa in hostel was worst as the canteen is still close. Of course for our convenience we have buffet....only from 4pm to 8pm. In other words we need to go to Male hostel to get our sahur.

221/365: I'm going to kill you!!!!


I went back to my hostel and found out my room was somewhat in mess:

16/8/2010: baka-saru

First I thought it was an earthquake but then logic tells me Brunei never had one then I remember Mayyin told me that he room was in mess because of monkey attack. Then upon further evidence, I saw my candy was all over the place and my first-aid kit was badly ravish.

Then after 2 and half hour of cleaning I checked my first-aid kit and my 'minyak kapak' was missing.....I HOPE YOU DIED AND ROT IN PAIN.

dear animal lover (esp monkey lover) I'm going to kill monkey around our hostel n your arguement is invalid

220/365: Another Day

Salam you human

15/8/2010: I don't have any plan to make plan

As what the shirt say...

Monday, 16 August 2010

219/365: It just a simple picture


14/8/2010: I think its not that fancy

Saturday make my muscle going up down. I was supposed to take AC2202 but the class was full and then went to cancel my AR2202 but he was MIA and then went to ICTC to look for available class and the process continue for 3 hours and I finally settled with 4 modules and the last modules is AP2402: History of Modern Philosophy.

218/365: The Second Day

13/8/2010: Friday 13th.....well I'm pretty lucky to have kebab as sungkai

I can't make some nice e-card Ramadhan greeting

217/365: My Burnt Skin


12/8/2010: looks like my hand was somewhat replace by another o.O

My skin was badly burnt off due to excessive exposure to sunlight, I'm pretty sure sunlight is bad for me.

"As much as we hated by the sun is what we loved by the moon."

216/365: My new HDD


11/8/2010: Finally got my new HDD from mein brother

It is cheap actually, 500GB for $99...promotion price for member only...which is my brother's. So my friends who complain about how expansive your HDD, mine got cheap, mine got cheap, XP

215/365: before Puasa


10/8/2010: I miss sushi~

Dad said he was busy to send my laptop so me and my bro, Aman went to CFK and take our lunch at Excapade. =)

214/365: Without it


9/8/2010: another FML

Send my laptop for another crack failure....

Sunday, 15 August 2010

213/365: Day 7 | Sports and Closing Ceremony


8/8/2010: He is my work of art (see the face)and found out that he is actually older than me O.o

My laptop still down and I need to send it off to repair. I got some nasty sunburn and bad odour after giving my encouragement and support to my Thai culture. Every game gets to 'hantam' the losing team, my team lost once but I get to give the punishment to them too XD - traitor bastard, who cares, I was having fun!

At night we close the orientation by announcing the winner for jingle, drama show, indie show, highest score team and the king and queen of orientation. Finally, no more waking up early and sleeping late at nights. More HERE.

Friday, 13 August 2010

212/365: Day 6 | Culture night


7/8/2010: The scary ghost...yeah right XD

Whatever, I was running at the Male hostel for this night. My task for the whole orientation (except Ice-breaking) was taking pictures and hell that was easy and make my bone crumple. I also responsible for updating RESCO blog though it was another bureau job but both look helpless in creating or even upload the picture into the content. I like all the performance, it was fvcking hilarious, ROFL, LOL.

Anyway most of the pictures I took doesn't satisfy me so I ask my friend; Dey to take the pictures and copy it to me. The pictures are so nice that I refuse to upload mine, more HERE

211/365: Day 5 | Qiyamulail

Salam, in other word religious night

We woke up around 2.30 in the exact time of that stupid laptop alarm clock. The girls are allowed to wash their face and get ready to make banner, muzakarah but not debate, which mean their are not allowed to argue but to give their statement. Then, and then oh man I forgot I was half asleep! after the girls went to the mosque for dawn prayer, the girl who stayed were watching some youtube video and I fall asleep and woke up around 6am.

6/8/2010: Ruth suggested that we should make another game while waiting for the girls finish at the mosque

I was freaking tired!!!!!! More HERE

210/365: Day 4 | Spiritual night


5/8/2010: um...

The fourth day was more relaxing as the Muslim walk to to UBD mosque to pray and listen to ceramah while the non Muslim and 'cuti' girl were gather at female's hall to play some light game.

Mine too had to stay at female hostel so most of the pictures are from there and I asked Nikae to gave me his but he gave me the 6th day instead of 4th....oh man.....

After Isya we went to mosque for supper and to collect the girls back to the hall for sleepover and preparation for Qiyamulail. I tell you, since the girls are mostly never experience this stuff before I feel like living in American's Next Top Model mansion, where the girls are shouting and exciting and lalala all that stuff. I dooze to sleep even tough I could freaking hear the leaking roof and movie that was played. Then I woke up an hour early before the Qiyamulail start and it was SILENT!

More pictures HERE

209/365: Day 3 | Games and Activity

Salam and FML

My computer had to send to CFK for anti-virus update and things went wrong that I had to send him again and being the bureau of Media and publicity and responsible for the RESCO blog I was in constant pressure. Plus I haven't decide what module to take and it took so yeah it was 'kusut' days and still counting.

I rarely take picture of myself and rarely let anyone take mine, hence there are less picture of me in my friends camera.

Anyway, the third day of orientation was a success and I seriously need a massage. The highlight of this event was face painting where both fresher and RESCO get their face painted by the face-deco marker. The pictures for my blog was from Ezat's camera and the one I put in RESCO blog was mine. More picture for this event HERE

My Thai culture team, they make me proud =D

4/8/2010: The RESCO with their face painted, if you see mine you know who I imitate

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

208/365: Day 2 | Ice-Breaking

Salam =.=

3/8/2010: This event is very important to me because this is handle by me and the rest of team-mate: bureau of Computer and bureau of Media and Publicity.

The event at it first phase; catwalk by RESCO is a success! Even the absent of one member that seems disappointing, but we continue on, the funny thing was the arrival of our chairperson. We want the junior to acknowledge how powerful they are by giving an epic gruesome song as background music and they show on their walk military-like, the rest of lift our hand and deep in my heart I say 'heil Aziz n Aya'

The event continue with Facebook search where we gave them random name tag and they must find the owner and their within 6 minutes....and my battery camera went dead

Next was RESCO hunt, where they must hunt down RESCO that belong to their group, and FUCK, they are aggressive!!! I feel like I'm a wild horse and they are the farmer who kept us inside the cage, we also tried to break free but ours was too strong to make prison break!!

Then after that was remember, remember, then forgot...., let them remember their member names, faculty and district. After each member introduced each other we ask unfortunate member to remember the 3 things of a member that we choose.

After that we finished with everything and I was really tired with these youngster....

We send them back just around 11pm and sieg heil to us and for the night. Merci beau coup for helping us out and to make my one helluva task a success.