Friday, 13 August 2010

209/365: Day 3 | Games and Activity

Salam and FML

My computer had to send to CFK for anti-virus update and things went wrong that I had to send him again and being the bureau of Media and publicity and responsible for the RESCO blog I was in constant pressure. Plus I haven't decide what module to take and it took so yeah it was 'kusut' days and still counting.

I rarely take picture of myself and rarely let anyone take mine, hence there are less picture of me in my friends camera.

Anyway, the third day of orientation was a success and I seriously need a massage. The highlight of this event was face painting where both fresher and RESCO get their face painted by the face-deco marker. The pictures for my blog was from Ezat's camera and the one I put in RESCO blog was mine. More picture for this event HERE

My Thai culture team, they make me proud =D

4/8/2010: The RESCO with their face painted, if you see mine you know who I imitate

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