Friday, 13 August 2010

210/365: Day 4 | Spiritual night


5/8/2010: um...

The fourth day was more relaxing as the Muslim walk to to UBD mosque to pray and listen to ceramah while the non Muslim and 'cuti' girl were gather at female's hall to play some light game.

Mine too had to stay at female hostel so most of the pictures are from there and I asked Nikae to gave me his but he gave me the 6th day instead of 4th....oh man.....

After Isya we went to mosque for supper and to collect the girls back to the hall for sleepover and preparation for Qiyamulail. I tell you, since the girls are mostly never experience this stuff before I feel like living in American's Next Top Model mansion, where the girls are shouting and exciting and lalala all that stuff. I dooze to sleep even tough I could freaking hear the leaking roof and movie that was played. Then I woke up an hour early before the Qiyamulail start and it was SILENT!

More pictures HERE

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